Jak wieżowce nudzą można

Jak wieżowce nudzą można


Jak wieżowce nudzą można zawsze cofnąć czas / When the skyscrapers get boring, you can always turn back the time... . ___________________________ . The natural Dubai Creek is the main artery of the oldest part of Dubai. Abra boats carry people across for only 1 dirham per person. The set legal limit now is maximum 20 people per boat, but in the 90's it was normal to see an Abra with up to 50 people on board... . . #dubai24 #dubaj24 #emiraty24 #emiraty #dubai #mydubai #visitdubai #ig_dubai #fantastic_dubai #dubaipage #picsdubai #amazingdubai #zea #onlyindubai #wakacje #discoverdubai #lensbible #mydubailife #dubailife #dubaicreek #oldtown #beautifuldestinations #passionpassport #arabian #neverstopexploring #unitedarabemirates #abra


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