Najwyższa ulica świata / T

Najwyższa ulica świata / T


Najwyższa ulica świata / The tallest block in the world. . _______________________________ . Al Khayay street in Dubai Marina has two records. It is the street in the world with the highest average height of buildings (242meters) as well as the street with the greatest number of buildings 50 floors or higher. Soon , Marina 101 and Marina Gate will add to the records . Dubai just keeps rising. #dubai24 #dubaj24 #emiraty24 #emiraty #dubai #mydubai #visitdubai #ig_dubai #fantastic_dubai #dubaipage #picsdubai #amazingdubai #discoverdubai #dubaigram #igdubai #uae #igersdubai #dubaitourism #livelovedubai #onlyindubai #citykillerz #fatalframes #agameoftones #passionpassport #zea #unitedarabemirates #wakacje #dubailife #tallestblock #streetscape


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